Step into a Growcer Farm


Start your self-guided tour

Click play below to step into one of Growcer’s Osiris® farms to learn how you can grow fresh veggies year-round reliably.


Take a guided tour

In this virtual tour, Michael, part of Growcer’s R&D research team, walks you through the ins and outs of these tightly controlled indoor farms.

1. Understand the different parts of the modular farm

2. Familiarize yourself with the daily and weekly tasks of a grower

3. Debunk common misconceptions about vertical farming


Download the full recording

Download and share the full guided tour recording. You’ll learn:

  • How the modular farm works

  • What are common tasks

  • What support is offered

Build your farm

Whether you’re growing for your area or starting a commercial enterprise, there is a Growcer farm for your needs.